LOGEX at student fair JobChallenge! Why were the students looking for a skeletons and vibration game? What was the process of attending a trade show like this in our Logex way? What did we have in store for those interested? Read on.
At LOGEX, we put our heads together, assembled an organizing team and decided to meet (not only) students at the job fair.
Since our applications help to improve healthcare, we prepared a themed challenge. Students who visited us had the opportunity to perform an operation as part of a social game and if they were successful, they won a prize in the form of our new skeleton-themed backpack, canvas bag or a practical bottle. Our careers website was available to view and this year came first in the prestigious RA Awards for the best careers website of the year. Photos wall from company events and international trips complemented the posts to illustrate the company culture.
Not only did we enjoy it, but judging by the reactions of those who visited us, the HR inbox is now filled with messages from students! 😊 Photo gallery