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Interview with Frontend developer Martina

People of LOGEX 29.May 2020

We continue with a series of interviews with our colleagues in Brno. And today we want to introduce you our woman in IT, Martina, our Frontend Developer because IT is not just for men but we are happy we have also women in our team. So enjoy reading :-)

As the introduction can you tell us how long have you worked at LOGEX?

I started in January 2020, so I’ve been here for a little over a year.

What have you done before LOGEX?

After I finished university of information technologies, I worked for a company that makes 3D models for educational purposes and then for a game dev company. I didn’t specialize in healthcare at all.

And why did you choose to start at LOGEX?

I craved a job that would be engaging, in an environment that I like and I wanted to feel like I’m doing something that helps people with something important. Logex seemed like the place that will have all that and it did.

What did you want to become as a child?

I guess that was changing quite a lot, but I remember I wanted to be an artist of some sort, writer or scientist. I probably won’t be a scientist anymore, but I’m still trying to do some art time to time and the plan is to write a book someday after I retire.

You work as a Frontend Developer, can you describe your role and which project you are working on now?

The product DICA medicine I work on shows expensive medicine data helping the healthcare workers to choose the best treatment for a patient getting the most value out of it for the patient as well as for the institution. My job is to make all the graphs and lists display the backend data right.

According to the current situation with covid-19 our office has limited mode so how do you spend your home office, do you take any advantages from that?

I liked all the little teambuilding activities that started after the first lockdown a lot and I wondered if I had such a chance to get to know my colleagues (especially those from other countries) if corona didn’t happen.

The pressure we are under being forced to stay home a lot is not easy, especially for families with kids I can imagine, but I think this pressure precisely helped me to reevaluate my close relationships and I’m glad I did that.

And on the other hand what do you miss by mainly working remotely?

Working from home saves me time, money on food and clothes, but I personally like putting in the effort each morning and not getting too comfortable. On most days, I would also appreciate the company of my colleagues.

What keeps you motivated in this lockdown time?

At this point I accepted the situation and not that much is different in terms of motivation because of corona specifically, I’m just glad I’m healthy and I can be with people I care about. Hopefully the vaccinations will work and get us out of it for good.

What do you like about LOGEX and its company culture?

It seems to me the company is putting an effort into the wellbeing of the employees making them feel evaluated and comfortable at work. I like that there are number of non-work related activities and I like that I can organize some of them by myself like the book club and chess tournament.

On the other hand, is there anything you would like to change in LOGEX?

There are couple of different products with changing names, which makes it quite confusing at times, especially for someone without much domain knowledge. I wish it was easier for me to understand even the products that I’m not directly working on.

What do you do in your free time?

I like to have a drink or play a game with my friends and take long walks. When I’m at home, I watch a movie, read a book, I paint and play ukulele. I also have a daily photo project I’m using as a diary.

And Easter is coming, we know we have limited options for spending free time but do you have any plan for Easter holiday?

I’m already preparing decorations and I’m hoping for good weather, but I’ll probably just be with people close to me, eat eggs and go for a walk as usually.

Why would you recommend LOGEX to others?

I think it is a place where you can do something meaningful and enjoy doing it.

Thank you for the interview :)

Naše frontenďačka Marťa z Life Science týmu

Naše frontenďačka Marťa z Life Science týmu

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